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Mentor UI/UX Design
Cu peste 5 ani de experiență în UX Design, Izabela dispune de cunoștințe și expertiză în furnizarea de servicii complete de design pentru produse digitale. La Endava, Izabela și-a descoperit pasiunea pentru UX Design, colaborând cu clienți din diverse industrii, inclusiv payments, finance, business management și travel. Pasiunea către artă a fost o constantă în viața sa, iar acum își folosește această pasiune pentru a crea experiențe digitale. Este mereu interesată de evoluție și învățare, abordând fiecare proiect ca o oportunitate de a explora noi industrii, tehnologii și tehnici de design. Cu o înțelegere profundă a user-centred design, Izabela promovează crearea de experiențe care răspund în mod eficient nevoilor și dorințelor utilizatorilor. Izabela consideră că succesul în UX Design nu depinde doar de cât de bine arată designurile create, ci și de impactul pozitiv pe care îl ai asupra vieții utilizatorilor.
Mentor UI/UX Design
With 15 years of experience in the design field, I currently hold the role of Senior UX Designer and I am actively involved in the Accessibility Champions program, as part of an Agile team. My journey commenced with 11 years of art studies, primarily centered around animation. Over time, my career transitioned toward UX design (I know, this is quite uncommon...) due to my deep-seated passion for comprehending user needs and crafting genuinely user-friendly solutions. Lately, I've been refining Service Design as my personal specialty. This approach allows me to creatively tackle challenges, ensuring that the solutions we create not only exhibit aesthetic appeal but also function seamlessly. Moreover, a core component of my design philosophy is accessibility. I strongly believe that it goes beyond being just a checkbox on a design checklist; it stands as a foundational principle that profoundly influences the quality and inclusivity of products. It's about adhering to the right principles. In a nutshell, this is me, and I'm happy to be here, to share my knowledge, and my journey, both successes and failures, to help and inspire others.
Mentor UI/UX Design
Hi! My name is Leo and I currently work as a full-time User Experience Designer in Iasi, Romania. I also have freelance collaborations with local brands from Iasi, working both as a Graphic Designer & Illustrator. My career path evolved systematically from Customer Experience at an online platform, to working as a Marketing Assistant and then starting my design journey, first working as an in-house Graphic Designer at one of the biggest Hotel Complex in Iasi, and then, after an internship as a Visual Designer at Amazon, doing Agency and Corporate Graphic Design. After I’ve consolidated my design knowledge and skills, I’ve made my first steps into the amazing world of User Experience Design, being part of an Agile team and working to enhance products and make them enjoyable and usable for our users. I love to research, understand and solve problems through the power of design and creating better experiences. Every day I try to find new challenges, communicate, get feedback, and level up my skill as a designer. In my free time, I'm passionate about reading comics (this is where the passion for drawing started) and books about communication and design, playing video games (ex-WoW player), building computers (my recent project is an "old school" Windows XP machine), playing guitar, going to airsoft games and spending fun time with my daughter and wife. Always be Creative.
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⦁ Setting up Figma
⦁ About Figma and FigJam
⦁ Styles, Components & Auto-layout
⦁ UX Methodologies & Design Thinking
⦁ User Interviews & Surveys
⦁ Attitudinal vs. Behavioral Research
⦁ What is a Persona?
⦁ Examples & Best Practices
⦁ Personas Workshop
⦁ What is a Empathy Map?
⦁ Examples & Best Practices
⦁ Empathy Map Workshop
⦁ User vs. Customer Journey
⦁ Examples & Best Practices
⦁ User Journey Guide & Workshop
⦁ What is Problem Framing?
⦁ What is a Competitors Analysis?
⦁ Workshop
⦁ What is a Mind map?
⦁ When do we use it?
⦁ Tips & Tricks
⦁ What is a User Flow?
⦁ Emplaning the shapes
⦁ Workshop
⦁ What are Wireframes?
⦁ Examples & Best Practices
⦁ Workshop
⦁ History of UI
⦁ What is Visual Design?
⦁ Gestalt Principles
⦁ What are those?
⦁ Rules and Best Practices
⦁ Examples
⦁ KISS, Hick’s, Jakob, Fitt’s laws
⦁ When to use them
⦁ Examples
⦁ Defining Moodboards
⦁ Examples
⦁ Rules and why do we use them
⦁ Defining Design Systems
⦁ What is a Style guide
⦁ Structure of a Design System (Atomic Design)
⦁ What is Accessibility in UX?
⦁ Presenting the Heuristics
⦁ WCAG principles
⦁ What is a prototype?
⦁ When do we use it?
⦁ Examples of Mockups and how to make them
⦁ Free discussion between mentees and mentors
⦁ Offering feedback
⦁ Fixing problems
⦁ Types of Usability Testing
⦁ Tips & Tricks
⦁ Useberry project for testing an app
⦁ Brand vs. Branding
⦁ Types of Brands (Personal, Service, Events, etc.)
⦁ Importance of colors, brand promise and attributes
⦁ Presenting the briefs
⦁ Examples of Landing-Page design
⦁ Grids and resources
⦁ Examples of Responsive Design
⦁ Why Responsive is important?
⦁ Frameworks and Breakpoints
⦁ About Analytics
⦁ Analytics and User Research
⦁ Metrics & UX Documentation
⦁ What is a Design Sprint?
⦁ What are Storyboards?
⦁ Workshop
⦁ Freelancing Platforms
⦁ Best Practices about UX career
⦁ Red Flags when applying on a job
⦁ How to make a good Portfolio
⦁ Examples and Best Practices
⦁ How to prepare a CV and a Case Study
⦁ What is Design Thinking?
⦁ Rules
⦁ Workshop
⦁ About
⦁ Knowing the brief
⦁ Workshop
⦁ HR Interview simulation
⦁ Technical Interview simulation
⦁ Getting feedback
10 min) Pitch presentation of a project to an UX Professional audience
⦁ Getting feedback
⦁ Small UX Talk
Proiecte finale ale cursanților
Săptămâna HR se concentrează pe dezvoltarea soft skills și oferă informații esențiale despre recrutare, interviuri și redactarea CV-urilor, prin sesiuni de training interactive și mock interviews pentru o experiență practică completă.
Timp de 30 de minute, analizăm împreună ce ți se potrivește și punem la cale planul tău de carieră. Indiferent de concluzii, te ajutăm să alegi bine în IT ori să spui „Ba” împăcat.
Explorează articolele noastre pentru a te informa, inspira și ghida pe drumul tău către o carieră în IT.
Ascultă Wantsome Podcast, o emisiune despre oameni, IT și oameni în IT.
Academia prietenoasă de IT.
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comunitate de IT din România.
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