- What is test automation?
- Why test automation?
- Test automation levels
- When to use automation?
- Record & Playback
- Linear & Modular scripting
- Data driven & keyword driven testing
- Development tools
- Maven – build manager
- Git – version control
- IntelliJ – development environment
- OOP principles
- Java basics and standards
- Classes and objects
- Collections
- Advanced concepts
- Exercises
- Unit testing
- Junit vs TestNG
- Hamcrest assertions
- Database testing
- Test tools
- Domain specific language
- RESTful services
- RestAssured introduction
- Json vs XML
- Request & response analysis
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium components
- WebDriver overview
- Navigation commands
- Practical examples
- Interrogation commands
- Practical examples
- Locators overview
- Single vs multiple elements
- Practical examples
- Manipulation commands
- Practical examples
- Keyboard interactions
- Mouse interactions
- Practical examples
- Alerts
- Frames
- Cookies
- Javascript
- Page object modelling
- PageFactory
- Builder & Factory patterns
- Advantages
- Data Driven Framework overview
- Data Driven Framework approach
- Why use it
- Framework creation using Cucumber
- Test project developed from scratch
- Make use of learned tools and concepts
- Project architecture tips & tricks
- HTML report & screenshots & logging
- Serenity reporting overview
- Jenkins – Continuous Integration
- Why soft skills matter
- Technical knowledge coverage
- What kind of interview questions should you expect
- Interview simulation
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